A confused genius

By Lez11

Lez of the dead

Last night dressed as ravers was quality apart from when some young girl asked if I was dressed as a bee keeper. If she wasn't so young I would have been disappointed.

I was was going to put a pic on of me dressed as a raver but there was a girl dressed as a zombie which was the best fancy dress costume ever. So I decided to put a pic on of the zombie biting my neck.

My best mate had a bust up with his girlfriend again. They only argue when they are out with me so I must be the common argument factor. Again I was out until 4am and I even started a new dance craze which quite a few of us were doing in one of the bars.

Today was a nice relaxing day as we all went into minehead and went round the shops and played in the arcades. We even went in a lovely old hotel for creme tea and scones, even though I had a pint of local bitter.

I think we are going to have quiet night tonight and I'm not planning on another 4am finish.

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