Chocks Away!
Only it wasn't for me this eve! Despite defragging, cleaning up and moving photos to a new External Hard Drive, my laptop kept freezing every time I exported a photo from Lightroom!! I shut it down, restarted it, and it froze again - I left it to sort itself out and sat on the sofa with Fatcat, next thing I know it's 1.30 in the morning and it's a backblip!
Had a fabulous 4 hour walk with Nelly of the Woods and Portly Lucy in the morning - along the river and all the way round Cotehele woods! The river was not flooded and Ferryman told me not to believe the emails that get sent out! Walking past FellowRetiree's house I noticed his poster for his Weaving Open Studio in a weeks time - my photo!! We bumped into them later on the walk and he told me it was plastered all over the village! Too funny! He had even put my name on it although I had told him not to bother! I had not noticed it on the poster, Nellie thought I was being modest and not mentioning it - ha! Too busy taking a photo of it - there's modest for you!!
Nellie and I chatted the whole time - of life, death and chickens! She felt I was more chilled out since retiring, I said I felt I was less angry, less judgemental and on the way to being Zen! Pah! As if! I also realised I had finally come down on the side of Nature not Nurture! I do believe it is possible to overcome ones nature, or at least temper it, but that our personality determines how we react to experiences, that upbringing, ones culture, environment and experiences have a part but are really filtered through our personality. Discuss!!!! I'm prepared to be open and consider alternatives, and I'll try not to be judgemental! Nor get angry!!
Back at her house we discovered Barry sorting through old papers in an old writing desk - which even had a secret compartment! It had Identity Cards, medical cards, driving licenses, negatives and all manner of things, including the goggles and hat which Barry just had to put on! He does make me laugh and I told them I could see why Nellie loved him! He also pointed out an old cardboard box that was full of letters his mother and father had written to each other for the 4 and a half years he was in the war! What an archive! Nellie commented she still had all the letters he had sent her after they met in India, he of course said he had hers - somewhere! Hmmmm! We wondered who had ownership rights over letters - the person who wrote them, or the person who is sent them and is in possession of them? Our less happy conversation was over the right to die and in what situation one would make it. I felt for me, with no dependants, it was relatively easy and would be easier if mental acuity was not an issue, My mother and I had a long standing agreement that if mentally impaired or beyond the point of recovery but capable of being kept alive, we would aid each other to end our lives, preferably with a trip to Switzerland. Barry said he had been in the opposite position, with his father when he died and the dr's telling him they could bring him back.
After a lunch that consisted of honey from their bees on everything - olive bread and beetroot cake, Nellie gave me and Portly a lift home, as the clouds had massed and the rain had come! Afternoon with Milly and Tilly and a little snooze in the sun which reappeared after a heavy downfall! I had 3 lots of chickens to see to today, mine, the allotment girls and my friends who is away for 11 days!! So three sets of chickens put to bed and the processing continued - finally - Chocks away!
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