Pegged Out

That time of year again! The camping gear must be inspected. The bag, the thermarest, pillow, cup, plate, knife, fork, corkscrew. Corkscrew. Cycling shades. Head torch. iPhone.

And three pals. That's one more than last year. The photos could get a bit crowded.

And as I was up that way, had a good blether with the son in the old Diggers. He knocked over half my pint! I'm sure he'd have replenished it if he'd any money.

What about this Pecha Kucha though? My ladyfriend W said, I'm off to a Pecha Kucha session. I said what's that? She said you don't know what that is? I said I don't know what that is. It can be curated or non-curated she said. Everyone does a short five minute burst with pictures. It's wonderful she said.

That's the weekend over. A short three day burst. With pictures, and movies and comedy and theatre and football and cycling and beer and ... I could go on. All very wonderful.

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