Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

I'm back!

Hi everyone!

So sorry for being absent the past couple of months! No proper reasons, I just kinda never got round to it. Anyway, here's a quick list of everything that's happened (I also back-blipped a few times, and also if you could look at my blip from the 19th of this month, that would be greatly appreciated, as it is of particular importance):

- I quit my job at Dobbies
- My Sister got married
- I graduated from high school
- I had my school prom
- I turned 18
- I got accepted into Napier University to study Psychology!

So yeah, those are pretty much the main events of the past couple of months! I won't be on here everyday, but I'll try my hardest to catch up with ya'll as soon as possible!

See ya around!

Steven :)

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