On the beach with Daddy and Baby

Leisurely early morning (uneventful except for me locking my door), then Mummy and Daddy decided to go to the beach, so after making sandwiches (I made mine) and assembling snacks and swimming costumes for everyone (though J decided it was too windy), we went to get the bus. Baby fell asleep but Daddy and I drove the bus to the beach, then we got drinks and a new bucket and spade and settled down to enjoy eating our picnic, digging, fetching water, paddling and finding shells. We found the biggest puddle ever but every expedition ended in tears of sand in eyes, so we eventually gave up and headed for ice cream haven (long queue as usual but worth it), then had a wee trip to the playpark where we ran into M and his mummy, and then it was off to the bus home and a play in the garden, then dinner and no treat because I took all the cheese and they remembered about the locked door but in the end Mummy managed to get it open so instead of sleeping on Baby's floor, I could have a bath (though with Mummy's feet as well as Baby), read my own stories and go to bed in my own room.

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