Endless Day
When your day starts at 4.10 am it is inevitably going to feel like a long day (I'll gloss over the lack of sleep due to the snorer beside me - see how I glossed right over that?)
So, up and out - unfortunately failing to let a sleeping dog lie, giving our pals an earlier than expected start to their own long day. Mr B somehow got us to the airport in one piece, I somehow found the door to get in (having been left off at arrivals which, turns out, doesn't open that early). A brief pause in the lounge to top up already flagging energy levels, and a conversation with a very nice lady in Spanish about her letting me sit with the kids on the plane (turns out she was French, so we get equal credit for knowing some words in Spanish).
The rest of the day has been some napping, some washing, packing for Mr B (off to London tomorrow at a delightfully early time - delightful only in the sense that I'm not getting up then), garden exploring, pasta and Mission Impossible 4.
And an early night.
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