Rock pool, part 2 (Day 108)

Another beautiful day saw the wifeycle and me heading up the hill with the dogs for the morning wander. It was a lot more breezy than it has been lately, but still warm enough to have us sweating our way to the top.
We dropped the dogs at home and headed to Stromness, where I got on one of George's horses and we all went for a bit of a ride. It is the first time I have been on a horse for around 35 years, I think. I survived.
Home again to have lunch and pick up the dogs before we went back to Stromness for a walk at the shore. It was beautiful as always and there were some cracking breakers rolling in. I liked the view up to the Black Craig.
We are now at my folks, cooking dinner and waiting for them to come back from Hoy. There may be a glass or two of red this evening.
The extra pic today is the love of my life rock hopping and watching the waves. I love that girl.

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