Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Family day!

The three of us had a lovely day today for fathers day!

We went to the "Giant fair" today, it's based on a old tale about a Giant hiding in the walls of the local church after selling his soul to the devil. He escaped from the church and is now running around the West berkshire country side, we were safe today though as there were lots of "giant hunters" out to warn us if the giant came near!
The local schools make presents and flags each year and they do a parade along the village roads to the church to give them to him as a offering at the church there is lots of story telling and drama acts!
It was really good and Izzy loved getting into the spirit and using her imagination.
After the festivtal we went to an open day at a farm and Izzy got to hold baby turkeys, we didn't take her into the next room where they slaughter them at christmas haha!
Izzy and daddy then went for a pint together haha, quality daddy and Izzy time!!

The Berkshire Giant watch!

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