It’s amazing what we DON’T know about people! This morning at church, Frank, one of our members, gave a presentation about the Swindon Night Shelter, where he volunteers for one night every month and he is there from about 8 p.m. before the guests arrive, and stays until they leave the following morning by 8.30 a.m.
Although I knew a little about the Shelter, I didn’t know that Frank and his son, Joe, were involved and it was a joy to hear him speaking and to hear his passion for homeless people. He said it had revolutionised his faith and you could see it in his face and hear it in his voice!
On their website, it says:
The Swindon Night Shelter aims to come alongside the needy to show that somebody does care. We aim to minister to the spiritual needs as well as the emotional and physical needs of the homeless by being a visible testimony of Jesus Christ working closely with Churches and Christians in and around Swindon to meet the needs of the homeless in our area.
Frank and Roly, James’ dad, did a role play showing what they do when the guests arrive - providing a meal, chatting with them, encouraging them to have a shower, and giving them new clothes before bedding down at midnight, when it’s lights out and no more talking, although apparently, not everyone adheres to that!
You can see James about to bang the drum to wake Roly up - there’s a funny story attached to that drum - a couple of weeks ago, I spent quite a while explaining to James that we only played the Djembe drum using our hands as it was made of special skin that would be spoiled if we used a drumstick - and what did Frank encourage him to do - hit the drum with a drumstick!! Ah well, Nikki, James’ mum said she would tell James later that it was a “one off”!
Frank said that we may not all feel able to volunteer, but we can all pray, which will encourage those who DO volunteer, and donate clothes and toiletries. For those of us blessed with a roof over our heads and food on the table every day, it’s the least we can do!
“Let no one ever come to you
without leaving better and happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness:
kindness in your face,
kindness in your eyes,
kindness in your smile.”
Mother Teresa
I’m sure the guests see this kindness in Frank’s face and in the faces of all those who volunteer at the Swindon Night Shelter - God bless them all!
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