Fantasy Car Shopping

There's no better way to go shopping for a new car and avoid the hard sell than to go with your grandson. Will and I headed off to Auto Row  this morning to check out our first choice. I told him they would probably not take us too seriously if we said that my grandson had chosen this car for my dog, and the guy with the money was refusing to come with us….

Not so. The very pleasant sales "consultant" kept a straight face, said she had just been showing a car to a woman who had brought her dog with her, and showed us the dog's hair on her pants to prove it. She had exactly the right answer for all my questions and gave us brochures to show OilMan. Will studied the brochures comparing the relative sizes and benefits of two different models. He's probably the only one who will read it.

OilMan has studiously avoided involving himself, and remains determinedly noncommittal, secretly hoping that the current car oultasts Ozzie and me!
He did come inside from his attempts at rodent proofing the stairs under the bird feeders to look glance at the  covers of the brochures. His sole question had to do with the relative prices…so inconvenient….

Ozzie would fit better in the red one, but I think I prefer the brown one. What do you think?

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