Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Down Boy

When Hovis has been groomed and is all cuddly and velvety...everyone loves him...well, Rowan loves him no matter what but the rest of us only love him when he doesn't Hovis is making the most of being spoilt; always on the settee, those big, brown eyes....awww! Be warned though, he will soon be stinky again and then will be banished to his basket!!

Years ago I did a photography course at Hilden Street in Bolton....a grand, old building which sadly was abandoned by the council eventually...anyway, my tutor was George and he was great. I ran into George at the hospital today and he told me that he'd seen the article about me completing 365 blips which was in the local newspaper (for those of you who haven't met that milestone yet, be warned Blip might just contact YOU to do the same!). George said it was a great article and that he had cut it out and saved it. Praise indeed. Thanks George!

Today also saw me putting bloods which I'd taken from a patient down my bra, as the bloods had to be kept warm, and racing to the lab at the opposite end of the hospital!!

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