Here Goes!

We arrived at the hospital at 7.30am and fortunately I was first on the list. Mr Zammitt my surgeon came to see me and drew on my chest so that it was clear what had to be done, so I took a quick 'before' selfie.

The surgery went fine and I'm much better than I was a few weeks ago. I was back in my room at 11am and had lunch at 12.30pm. Mr Zammitt came see me again while I was eating and was very impressed with how well I'm doing. I'm a little sleepy but at least I've not been sick.

He's a lovely man and he makes me laugh, so I asked if I could take his photo and he kindly obliged, so I've added this to my extras.

Alan's been with me all day and has popped home to spend some time with the boys and to have something to eat and he'll be back shortly. They've said he can stay until about 10pm.

I've just had my dinner - beef stroganoff and rice, followed by cheese and biscuits, which was very nice. And when Alan gets back the doctor has said I'm fine to go for a little walk.

The sad news today is that there's been an air crash at Shoreham Air Show which is just a few miles down the road to here. The plane crashed into the A27 which was very busy with cars and 7 people have died. My thoughts are with everyone concerned.

Thanks for your comments and wishes yesterday's blip.

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