Caught in the act!!

After a short walk to the shops this morning, the rest of the day has been spent enjoying the opening day of the World Athletics Championships and pottering about in the garden. And it's actually felt like Summer today. It may have been a humid day, with a downpour late afternoon, but for a change the temperature has been over 20 degrees, 24 degrees in fact! So it would have been a shame not to make the most of the warmth as they're now saying Monday will be back down to 16 degrees for us!!

At the moment the garden is alive with Sparrows. I think a whole colony has moved in! Every bush and shrub is full of sweet chirruping noises, and then every now and again a cheeky little head pops out!! This little fellow was caught making a meal of the Pyracantha berries (a bit too far away for my camera to get a sharp shot).

And talking of heads, apparently there were a lot of very sore heads in Bath this morning, as the partying went on for another eight hours after I left! I'm feeling very self-righteous today!! :)

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