Snap Dragon

We were home in time to see the final flowering of the antirrhinums in the garden. Having had a day of catching up with those jobs that have been in the "pending" pile for too long these pretty flowers have come to the rescue.
The dentist rang to say that I will need the temporary crown temporarily replaced as it isn't quite the right shape for the technicians to  make a permanent one, so another visit has been arranged for Monday.   He was so kind to me last time that I can forgive him (reluctantly).  I just hope that by then my very unpleasant dose of Shingles will have calmed down a bit.  It never rains but ..  ..   etc!!!!!   It has been such a beautiful day today but I have had to avoid the sun.  How annoying!   
Thank you for all your very kind comments and stars recently.  My commenting seems to be another thing to add to the pending pile at the moment,  Sorry!

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