Some Early Cheer

This daffodil is called Erlicheer and came from my fathers garden. He used to grow 1000's of them for the Flower Market. They sure have a strong perfume .. too much for me to have in the house. I do love to see them in the garden as you know Spring isn't far away and the perfume is so lovely on a winters day.

I was going to go for a walk in the gardens but decided it was just too cold for me. The sun is shinning beautifully but the wind sure has a nip in it. And I don't want to get sick again. John seems to have come down with other dose of what's going around again.

Our Father Kept A Garden - Unknown
Our Father kept a garden.
A garden of the heart;
He planted all the good things,
That gave our lives their start.

He turned us to the sunshine,
And encouraged us to dream:
Fostering and nurturing
The seeds of self-esteem.

And when the winds and rain came,
He protected us enough;
But not too much because he knew
We would stand up strong and tough.

His constant good example,
Always taught us right from wrong;
Markers for our pathway that will last
a lifetime long.

We are our Fathers garden,
We are his legacy.
Thank you Dad we love you.

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