Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


They arrived last night in the dark...but fortunately nice calm water.   Posting this iPhone pix as my computer with other photos is being used for Netflix and I'm kind of lost with the Bourne Identity movie on.   Might change the pix later.
Today: Put the electric motor on our old Livingston dinghy-Oskar got on first, being delighted to hear that his dad did the same with this same little boat ( with a gas engine) at his age. (added it to the extra) ...Took a walk -the guys noticed some changes in the faerie circle.   Lots of making stuff in the studio.  Ice cream run.  Rest hour. Golf cart run to collect materials.  Lots of talking talking ( we listen a lot) they're very happy to be here.  We're happy too.  This pix is lunch on the deck ( cheesy noodles)
For anyone interested in the computer photos saga -I think I spent 4 hours yesterday and got my aperture library  down from 72000 to 70000 .  Well, forget that. Won't use the Mac photo app again tho.  Will put all on Lightroom.  but later.......

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