As many planes as ducks... nearly...

Yeadon Tarn is a little lake immediately adjacent to the runways of Leeds/Bradford airport.  We had a walk around it today.. (the tarn.. not the airport).. it's a place my 3 used to visit often with their paternal grandparents when they were little, I haven't been for a while.. but I will surely go again soon.. with my blip hat on!  Astounded by the number of planes landing and taking off.. right next to you.. whilst the ducks were a splashing.. the children were diving across upturned canoes whilst practicing falling in the water... and the windsurfers were trying their very best to float cooly on by!  Joe also showed me a viewing laybay.. to get a really good look at the planes too-ing and fro-ing.. and a place where you can see the lights at the end of the runway... oh I'll go back!! 
A wonderful family day..... 
Huge apologies for my lack of replies and comments at the minute.... but thank you so much for yours.... I read every one of them... and hope to sprinkle stars and hearts on your journals... if time is too short for words. xxx

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