Guitar Man
This guy lives in Sa Penya - he's always friendly, he likes Danny as he once overheard D tell someone he had a voice like Mark Knopfler - he's been a fan of Danny's ever since!
Last night, in our bathroom, I came face to face with the biggest cockroach I've ever had the displeasure of meeting....caught it (thanks to some handy Cilit Bang I drowned it with) and put it in a bin outside in a tightly tied bag. Then today the same thing happened IN THE DAYTIME! So far they've always been at night. I'm keeping that bathroom super clean, but they seem determined to wander round it & explore....eeeek!
Today I'm grateful for;
1) An afternoon with Esther.
2) Sandra at THE café - she had Asha helping her behind the bar! I just LOVE the way she's so kind to Asha, cuddling her, chatting away....just being lovely!
3) My Bible. I'm 33 days through reading the Bible in 90 days. It's just been AMAZING to read big swathes of the Bible in a go and really 'get' the story of it...I love how much of what I'm reading is so relevant to our life here and now (as in, mine & Danny's).
In my extras, a colour & b&w photo of the same scene - the Market Square, where Danny & I spend a lot of time.
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