Snail - symbolic of another slow blip day

I am rather pleased with this shot, right at the death as it were, or you would have been presented with a study of my mother-in-law's hall table, lampstand and shade as a last resort.

We'd been around at her house rather longer than we expected so it was almost dark when we set out on our walk. On our way around we'd already crunched a few bivalves underfoot and I nearly squashed a toad. I tried to get a shot but s/he managed to hunker down in the long grass and wouldn't come out.

A snail, on the other hand, doesn't move fast and so is a useful subject for photographing at night with an iPhone camera and flash. It's not going anywhere quick. It was making its way, painfully I'd imagine, across the footpath towards a grass verge. Judging by the surface of the footpath, sliding across that on your stomach must be a challenge, no wonder they leave slimy trails.

An odd sort of day, woke to a series of spoof texts purportedly from my son in San Diego saying he'd got 90 days in jail for naked running. Turned out his wife was playing with his phone. Took me a few moments to realise what was going on.

Then did lots of just jobs again, including setting up an new company with Companies House, finding a good, cheap web hosting site, finding a domain name, cheap business banking account and all the other things that have to be done. I'm now the one and only director of EDICTconsultancy Ltd. Our previous company is being dissolved and two separate companies set up to maximise tax benefits. Sounds a bit like these large multinationals who have huge turnovers but pay very little corporation tax.

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