The Hare Hunt

Mum was so angry with me that she wouldn't even write my blip yesterday. This has happened only once before, so I knew she was not happy.

It all started out fine. We packed ourselves and our stuff in the car and headed to the summer house. I was super happy when we got there! I found some bilberries on my walkie, I got lots of treats for running through the agility course and I ran at top speed in circles on the lawn with my big football. When evening came, we were both zonked out under the apple tree, mum on her sun chair and me on the grass, wearing my running line. The running line is a thin, light, long line attached to my harness but normally nothing in the other end.

There I was, snoozing away, when I noticed a movement somewhere to my left. A hare, running! Zap! A nanosecond and I was after it, out on our road and out of sight, running as fast as I could, which is actually pretty fast.

Mum claims she lunged for the running line, but too late, and then ran after me with no shoes on the road, yelling Here! and thinking she might never see me again. Somewhere around there, I realised the hare was faster than me and that I was alone quite a long way from home. Finally, I heard mum and turned back. Let's just say no treats were given out... Mum says I must never ever do that again.

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