A baaaaarilliant adventure

After much hiver hoovering etc left for Bristol at 9am, arrived just after 10 and started to see the Shaun's. Hard work trying to follow the app and push the buggy but we survived.
Munchie and Wom both loved spotting them.
Met up with auntie Sarah after lunch, then also met auntie Helena.
Munchie had great fun playing with auntie Sarah's niece, the two of them had a blast.
Left at 4, two hours later than planned.
Minor meltdown when I coudnt remember how to collapse the double buggy. Minor stress when Munchie announced she needed a poo! Off the motorway we came and parked up. Home by 5:30 which wasn't bad all things considered. Play in the garden, tea, more play.
Late bath, late to bed but both asleep by 8:15. Shattered.
Going again a week Saturday, but without the children to see how many we can see then x

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