A view, at last (Day 105)

The morning wander up the hill was much more pleasant this morning. Bright sunshine and very light winds. However it ended on a slightly sour note when Sigyn the idiot dog found some human excrement to roll in. She only rolled once but managed to coat at least a quarter of her body in the stinking mess. She didn't enjoy being hosed down when we got home.
I didn't have any work on today, and once my beautiful wife headed off to work, I trundled into town to pick up pellets for the boiler. I took the dogs out again just before lunch and thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine.
The rest of the afternoon was spent taking all the plastic off HV's motorbike before removing the rusty old exhaust. It was all going so well until the last exhaust stud broke. I will need to ask a favour of a friend to get the remains of the stud out.

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