
By Cigs

Montrose Terrace

As promised yesterday - the view looking at the other side of the lamp post from Wednesday.

My week came to a premature end at midday on Thursday - with the younger Ciglette into his first week at school, he was chucked out at lunchtime today, so I had the joyous task (no, really...) of having him for the afternoon.

There was talk with Allan about hiking up Arthur's Seat at lunchtime but his meeting was due to run on beyond 1, so meant we were tight for time. Iinstead we opted for a little of the 3 'R's, in this case reading. Not so much A,B,C as C,I,G,S..... Worryingly his letter recognition is rather good around these 4 letters. Not sure this is good and inevitably I will get asked at Parents' Evening about Cigs. But for now, he's settling into the new regime nicely. Wait til next week and it goes full time.

White pen on brown lamp post etc etc (See yesterday's post for the full details)

I feel I missed out, not making him skin his knees before taking the shot, just to get the authentic wee boy look...

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