
This is a follow-on from my macro on 4th August (here). Some fellow blippers asked to see the whole paperweight, so here you are. I suspect I may be blipping more macros from it in the next few weeks as it has a lot of blip-potential! As I mentioned before it was a gift many moons ago from a very good friend - way, way before blipfoto was every dreamed of (in fact well before the days of the internet!).

(I had intended that today's blip would be a photo of a rather pretty and dramatic-looking mark left on a window from a poor bird which must have flown into it . However half an hour before I was going to take the photo, the window-cleaner came and did his stuff without so much as a "by-your-leave". So it's gone! The frustrations of blipping!!)

(I think the bird must have survived the crash as there was no sign of it on the ground - I bet it had a nasty headache though!)

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