
This is what I wrote in Word a few hours back - and obviously the power is back on now.

We are without power, right on dinner time – bumma!! 
Our neighbour just down the road has been felling trees and burning the debris.  One of the trees on its way down collected the power lines and that’s the end of our evening with power.  Estimated repair time 4 hours....and a rather hefty account heading to the neighbour I’d predict.
Subway for tea now – Doug has just gone down to the garage, it has a Subway attached. 
And of course, no water, light, phone or internet as well, but have managed to get my entry done with what power was available on the laptop.  I’m getting blip organised and will be loading later. My entry for Abstract Thursday - a flax, 50mm with a 21mm macro tube, f1.6 then played with curves and colours.

Oh the joys.......


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