Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


An emergency blip today.  Since there are hundreds of these guys in my backyard, I knew it would be an easy one.  I have added an extra showing my mystery macro from yesterday.  I thought it was a hard one but almost everyone was pretty close.  It is a preBluetooth handsfree device for my phone.  Thanks for guessing.  :-)

My brother and family are doing well considering the circumstances.  They've been at the scene all day today with investigators and firefighters who are trying to salvage some of their belongings.  There are no wildfires anywhere near (thank God).  The fire most likely started in the clothes dryer vent but lightening isn't being ruled out yet.  There was a storm nearby at the time and their house is in a rural area on the top of a hill.  To further complicate the firefighting efforts, the nearest hydrant was about a mile away so they had to fill pumper trucks and drive the water up the hill.  The results might have been better if there had been easier access but it is what it is.  Very sad for them but their friends and family have rallied around them and they will have lots of help and support.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.

More bad news, but nothing by comparison, I wrenched my back this morning and it's been getting worse all day.  It's killing me to sit at the computer right now.  I may try to comment lying down with my tablet later but I might not feel up to it.  So, again, please forgive me for not answering or commenting if I can't get to it.  :(

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