Having a dip

The dogs and I enjoyed our morning walk in brilliant sunshine through the quarry field and as usual they both ended up in this little pool for a drink and a cool-down. All very nice and relaxing.

The afternoon walk was a different kettle of fish! Friend Gill had come to visit and joined us for a shorter outing as rain was imminent. We were about to head for home when the dogs took off to chase something - a hare or a deer, I didn't see what - out of sight.

I called them and Lottie came back immediately, but Freckle didn't. No, that rascal had gone off on An Adventure and only came back - panting, very muddy and covered in sticky willies - after about 20 minutes of us calling and whistling, by which time poor Gill was a nervous wreck!

Summer was lovely while it lasted, all five days of it...

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