Hydrangea bouquet

What a scare, we rode back to Holland this evening, thinking we could do our work/hobbies online there, only to find that the internet provider there had been hacked nationally and thus the internet was not working (even though the computers were saying that we were connected). Don't ask me what son no 2 did then,something with a Norton service which helps filter out the redirections of the hackers , but at least we are connected again. Just shows how dependent we have become on internet connections for everything (husband needs it for his work, sons need it for their study, I need it for Blip, FB, Flickr and study ) Anyway, here's my Blip for today, on Sunday one of my old study friends visited us in Belgium and brought me these from her garden in Holland, complete with that vase. They so were asking for a spot in the journal before they start to wilt.

Of course this means that I'm lagging behind even more tonight !

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