Where've you bean?!!!

This morning was nice, fairly sunny, warm and a bit humid. We walked down to town, got some produce we needed.......usual routine, coffee in the garden, but then it started to cloud up little, so off indoors.

We had a lovely chicken salad for lunch. Hub picked some more tomatoes, as mum has put an order in for tomorrow ;-) he also picked some runner beans....well, I say some, a washing up bowl full actually. I thought the green bowl and beans made an interesting blip :-) these are what are left after having given some to my sis, and we had them for dinner tonight stir fried with tomatoes, garlic and olive oil, with marinated pork steaks and just a couple of little new potatoes.

Spent the afternoon sorting out upstairs, fresh bedding needed, as middle son, DiL and their four girls are stopping off on their way back from Wales and staying over with us on Friday. Hub got up in the loft to retrieve pillows and quilts together with all my holiday clothes that live in the second bedroom.....which is now empty again, since our 6 week lodgers have moved back home. My hub did the ironing whilst I sorted out new security on our laptops and iPad........how come these things never run smoothly! I spent an hour on line chatting to get things running properly.....got there in the end!

After dinner we popped round to daughters house to check on progress as she is keen to know progress on her kitchen and bedroom fittings.

Then, finally we settled down to watch Bake Off :-)

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