On da Prowl

It's been a lovely sunny day and lovely warmth too.  It clouded over after 5pm and had a light shower this evening.

We said goodbye to mam and dad today, as they left to catch the ferry home to Shetland.  Off we set exploring again and headed down to the Glenmore Reindeer Centre, close by the campsite.  We set off again to the Highland Wildlife Park, and spent three hours in the park, plenty of animals to see and also feeding times too for the polar bears and Scottish wild cats.  We headed north and went to see Lochindorb castle, bit of a disappointment as it was in a loch but we got to pass and take photos of the bridge at Carr-Bridge :)
A lazy evening ahead with nothing planned :)

There was plenty of animals to see at the Highland Wildlife Park.  I loved the Scottish wild cats, the Japanese monkeys, the cute red pandas, the feeding of the polar bears and then there was the Amur tigers :)  They had plenty of room to roam in the park and liked to show themselves off.  Tigers are one of my best animals and would have one, if I could.  Shame the fence was in the way for the photo but glad at the same time, I'm sure he's soon make a meal of me if he could :)

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