Just a text?

This is so much more than just a text!!

This is a text from my boy!!

2 weeks after suffering his cardiac arrest and global hypoxia we were told that the severity of injury to his brain would mean he would only have a minimal quality of life. We were told to expect severe cognitive problems, lack of recognition and memory and an inability to communicate!
After initial devastation I stupidly started to dwell on the things that I would miss the most and came to the conclusion it was little things... His snapchats, texts, phone calls and his amazing cards he sent for birthdays, mother days etc!

15 weeks down the line things are looking much brighter!

This morning I sent him a text - I know he had listened to music on his phone yesterday, so I thought I'd try and see what happens...

To my amazement a text came back!!!

It must have taken him so much effort and concentration!

Yes I know it's not perfect but it is the best text I have ever received!!!!

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