
By CharlotteJ

Alford Five-Sailed Windmill

What a long day, and I really mean it!!  I woke at 00:50am (I went to bed at 10:30pm) and simply could not get back to sleep.  I ached all over and my brain was doing overtime....I finally got to sleep (last time I looked at the clock) at 04:30.  The alarm went off at 06:30!!!!

Meeting went well and then I went off to see my parents at their bungalow.  Dad looks quite well and it would seem he is keen to make the move their a permanent move.  I think its the right decision, but we will see what happens as my mum does have a habit of changing her mind!

On the way home, (more info here) I made a quick stop at Alford and its Five Sailed Windmill.  Sadly I couldn't get to the front of the windmill as the site was closed for the day.  I remember going up this Windmill as a child and my poor dad having to coax  / carry me back down, we realised then I had a problem with heights!

Time now to catch up on work emails and then perhaps and early night!  Tomorrow I have back to back meetings starting at 9am until 4pm.


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