
By tepeka

Not grey

Mme Tepeka and the kids zoomed off southwards this morning to head to Tayto Park. For those unfamiliar with the Irish potato crisp industry, Tayto Park is a theme park based on, well, crisps. It's a bit like Duff Gardens in The Simpsons, but with less beer and more cheese and onion.

Anyway, within two minutes of them heading off, the heavens opened and today's torrential rain started. It had eased off to an irritating drizzle by the time I dragged myself away from the desk for a lunchtime stroll, but it was still very dull and grey.

And hence today's picture. The rest of Belfast looked like someone had already converted it to mono, so I figured I'd shoot something that had a bit of life and colour about it.

Only one week until the kids go back to school. It's amazing how the routine for the entire family gets derailed during the summer, so I'm actually quite looking forward to getting back to breakfasts together and a bit of structure. I'm not sure the kids are quite so keen for that to happen...

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