
By Drysailor

Work in progress, but under threat.

On going building Site of the new Trade College, the building on the the far right is the new Police Station, all the rest Trade School. Behind me are 3 more buildings in various stages of build. Supposed to be open this time next year, but because of the Immigrant Crisis here funding could well end by the Project not being finished. Our County, NRW, has been allocated 40,000 of the proposed 750,000 that are coming this year. Where to put them all has not been discussed, neither has who will pay for them, suggested are , confiscating property that has been empty for 3 months or more, temporary camps in Sport Halls, Cinemas and Theatres. Tented Camps on open spaces and Parks. Infrastructure? Non Existant, has any one asked the People who live in the neighbouring houses or flats? No,. As is usual with politicians.Our town has to take a further 250 over the 400 we already have, and provide language Schools for the children and adults. And you think you have a Problem with Calais! Insist in ID Cards for everyone, random searches and Registartion of where you live and if you move, then you might discourage the Problem.You have the English Channel, we only have very porous Borders.

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