It rained for the whole day.  Nasy cold heavy rain.  More like winter than summer.  Neil was here and he stayed indoors all day.  I wasn't keen on venturing out either but I had a ticket for a free cinema screening this evening and I didn't want to miss out.

The film was called " Me, Earl and the Dying Girl.  A strange film which I didn't really enjoy much.  I seem to be in the minority as it won awards at the  Sundance Film Festival and on the " Rotten Tomatoes "  film review site  it has a rating of 81%.  I think it would appeal to a teenage audience.

So nothing much to report for today and I was " blip-less " so have decided to join in the Tiny Tuesday challenge for today which is to take a close up shot of a mystery object - and reveal what it is tomorrow. I don't have a fancy macro lens so the shot isn't the best quality - but can you guess what it is.

Steps today - 7,226

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