With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Femke's threads

A fascinating morning (after physio) with Shirley talking to Femke about her incredible life. This was her mother's stitching on the bedding they guarded closely in the Japanese Concentration Camp where they were held for three years. She has been invited to Japan as part of a peace making plan. She is not sure if she can or should refrain from expressing her true feelings when she goes. See the Mallorca Daily Bulletin on Sunday for Shirley's words.

Back in Soller, there were four boys (welcome to the visiting Finlay) and a dog, so swimming, biscuit making (all gone) computer games, walking and eventually mud in the great outdoors (thanks Libby for the ISS spotting too!) and a roast chicken have rendered them all tired, I hope. Natalia is off tomorrow sadly, but I get to keep her middle one for a while. Onwards and upwards...

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