Man Car

I've got a few jobs done - one of the stairgates off so I can fill the holes tomorrow, and a couple of boxes filled. I've quite enjoyed looking at all the CDs I forgot I had.

I've been trying to listen to Ulysses on the radio today but I've missed bits, I don't think I'm much further forward with understanding it but I've enjoyed the bits I heard (fireworks on the beach was entertaining!).

GrandWill came over for a pre-Father's Day cuddle and whipping up of hysteria. After a suitable level of mania was reached it was time for Alexander to have a sleep, so they went for a drive. I had to get them to buy a new kettle as I seem to have got the lead melted on the hob (not having much luck with kitchen gadgets this week). When they came back Alexander was conked, so they sat and steamed up the windows for a bit with some beers* while they were waiting for him to wake up.

Then I made them all a curry, they watched the football and now everyone is in bed.

*N.B. they weren't driving anywhere!!

P.S. I completely forgot to mention I was awoken at 5.10am by a cockerel (and yesterday, but I thought I was dreaming it then). I wasn't the only one. Some nutter has got the bird in their backyard. Letters of complaint have been written...

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