Aunt Dot

Visited my aunt today; she wanted me to make her hair look just like mine. Well, it doesn't look just like mine, and not only that, there's nothing in her room to help. I've been told she spends a lot of time in the wee hours packing and re packing her things. She hides things to keep them from being stolen by the help. It must be so frustrating and insulting for them. Not only do they bathe, dress, feed, and clean up after the residents, they are poorly paid and insulted to boot. So, nary a comb, brush, or bobby pin to be found - except for that mirror. If I'd searched through all the drawers and various bags she has stashed at the foot of her bed, I'm certain I would have found every missing item, but it would be upsetting to her and tiresome to me. I guess I'll start packing a bag with those things plus scissors and nail file. Dorothy greatly enjoyed seeing instant pictures of herself on my iPad.

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