my life, my pictures

By jennifleur

One Hundred and Sixty Eight.

Day 168

16th June 2012

OMG! My pusskins is home! I can't quite believe it as I'd really given up hope! She's been missing for 3 weeks and had heard nothing of her! We'd put posters up in our village, in the shops, called around the vets, started a facebook appeal to ask for help to look for her and nothing. Then I put a flyer through a lady's door who apparently works for the Cat's Protection League, she called me last week to say that she hadn't heard anything but today she called! An elderly man called to say that they'd had a stray cat visiting for the last few weeks in their garden and they'd been feeding her. And recently, because of the rain they've been letting her in over night. I called him and he described her differently so I didn't think it was her but I went over on the off chance. It was her!
Oh, this was in the next village along, country roads, fields, the works. Goodness knows how she got over there!
Hols tomorrow so the neighbour is coming in every day for us, hope she's ok and still here when we get back!

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