Scammonden Water

Thank you to everyone who wished me a good day out yesterday;  I'm pleased to tell you it was a good day and  most enjoyable  -  but I do hope I didn't mislead you and make it sound more mysterious and exciting than it was.  The reality was a "mysterious" drive across the moors (to the dark side) or it's other name Lancashire, a bit of a walk and then a nice meal at a country pub.  Certainly exciting and mysterious enough for me. :-))

Today we've been walking round Scammonden Dam and my blip today was taken with the new compact which I'm now getting to grips with;   I have to say that I'm enjoying using it and I'm so pleased I took the plunge and bought it.  It's so light compared to the DSLR and it's going to be very useful. The weather here today has been lovely, I hope your's has been too.

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