Red Zone Flowers.....

Took Banjo for a walk along Avonside Drive, a street in a suburb which was badly hit by the earthquakes in 2011.
Most of the houses have been demolished and the land is now zoned 'Red' which means it is not  stable enough to be rebuilt on.
It is in the process of being cleaned up and the land will be grassed.
At the moment there are alot of shrubs and trees standing in the barren area which were part of peoples well kept gardens, quite sad.
I had a good forage around and found a lot of lovely plants- this Red Japonica, a lot of Camellias, Magnolias, Wintersweet, a Witch Hazel  and a prize of a Daphne covered in fragrant flowers. (I picked some of the Daphne...)

Have posted some extra shots...the street one shows how it looks now, imagine it full of houses, all neat and tidy as it was.

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