
By FarmerGirl

Looking down the water filter

I had an unsuccessful morning teaching our new calves to drink this morning.  Boy can they be stubborn when they want to!  After persevering, and wasting a lot of time, I managed to get them to each drink a bit of milk - enough to get them through the day, until they had their afternoon feed.

Giving them a small amount of milk this morning, made them more eager to drink a proper amount this afternoon.  It's amazing how things change when they are hungry!

Farmerboy had trouble with one of our filters this morning.  When I came home for lunch, he showed me the inside of the filter.  It looked rather cool, so told him not to put it back together, until I had taken a photo.  I like the unusual pink lines.

We had a few spits of rain during the afternoon.  Just the start to what has been forecast for tomorrow.


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