
By hannahstar


This morning Kasper, Lidewij and Lara (some other visitors) left to go back home. :( I'm really going to miss them.

I spent the day resting and then in the afternoon went shopping with Emil. (my guide who came with me to Kuching from the children's home)
I bought a lot of stuff! There's a health food shop in the boulevard where we went and they sell gluten free food. I've been there twice already! Today they gave me a home made gluten free cupcake and flag because it was the shop's birthday! They also asked to take a photo with us, so we took one too!

We went for dinner to an Indian restaurant. It was very yummy.
Then we went to another supermarket and I bought even more things!!

Came home and talked to Anna on whatsapp call for ages which was really nice. :)

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