A Sunday Stroll

One of my students is in the hospital after a hernia operation. (Doesn't that sound funny? One of my students? Like I'm a big-time teacher?) The elderly gentleman is in my Sunday School class, and I miss him when he is not in his front row seat.

He is having a rough go of it, having trouble keeping his food down, and feeling bloated and gassy. I hope he continues to improve, and can go home soon. I don't like to see normally happy people...being unhappy in the hospital.

On the way there, I pulled through the national cemetery to see what I could see. I was ready to settle on gravestones and geese, when I spotted the crane pair. They let me get fairly close, before cackling loudly, and flying off.

If I could find them...I'd snap them EVERY day, and change my title page name to WHAT A THRILL...TO LIVE WITH THE SAND-HILL.

I might even consider changing my name...from Tim to Sandy.

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