
By SLPlearning

Bee A Lifelong Learner

I loved this article I read this week- so much so I'm popping in the beginning of the text. It was featured in the Entrepreneur-maybe it'll be something that sparks interest and appropriate funding for adult learning.

My life has been transformed by the tutors and workers I've come into contact with-without their help I wouldn't be here-I'd be dead. So the fact that I'm now working with SLP to develop new projects has meant that I have become a researcher too.  Who knew when the 'boss' said can I ask you a favour that I'd be doing this?  

Many people wonder what they can do to become well-rounded and competitive while increase their rate of success. An often overlooked yet simple way to improve is to increase your knowledge by being a self-starter.

Traditional, structured education is very important, yet much success is derived from highly motivated individuals that have dedicated their lives to the concept of lifelong learning. These individuals prioritize the creation of time in their busy lives each day to educate themselves on new concepts and ideas. These individuals understand the importance of creating plentiful opportunities in all spheres of life, Matt Mayberry.

Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” 
Albert Einstein

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