things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

two firsts...

I've had a wonderful day at Old Moor today. I got there early & headed down to Wath Ings. It was so peaceful, very little wind meant I could hear much more... a green woodpecker waffling away, nattering lapwing, the beating of the wings of a mute swan, grumpy herons squawking away, kingfishers beeping as they sped along, cackling mallards, noisy geese coming into Old Moor from down the valley...all good!

My 2 'photo firsts' are a photo of a young fox which I'm sure stared at me for a whlile and a beautiful holly blue butterfly which kindly opened it's wings! I've seen holly blues many times but not with open wings. Hope you've all had a lovely day :)

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