With Love and Learning

We dashed in to London this morning. Church at Methodist Central Hall, the London home of Methodists. Then on to lunch at St Martin in the Fields (pictured) & across the road for the National Portrait Gallery for the "Portrait of the Year" exhibition. Wonderful, truly wonderful. Mrs K and I agreed that the nominated first prize wasn't our first choice. She favoured 3 pictures, I couldn't make my mind up between 6 of the entries.

Next door to St Martin in the Fields is the one time home of St Martin's National School, built to educate the poor and less fortunate boys of the parish, later becoming a girls' school. At one time it was known as St Martin's Middle Class School for Girls (great name!) and was later renamed St Martin-in-the-Fields High School for Girls. It was relocated to its present site in Lambeth in 1928. The school's Latin motto Caritate et disciplina translates "With love and learning". Could have done with a bit of that in this morning's service.

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