Child Minding

My journal entries taken around Market Square in Shipley are becoming something of a social documentary. I don't often see many children about at lunchtime, presumably because they are tucked away in nurseries and schools, but it's now the middle of the summer holiday and I notice women about with troupes of little people. This one is a child minder, drafted in to look after the kids while the parents are at work.

I love seeing children at play but there is a certain reticence around recording it with the camera, and then posting up a picture such as this in the public domain. My head has a been a bit scrambled all week and I've been unsure about whether or not it's appropriate to blip this shot. Now, catching up a few days after the event, I really can't see any problem. What can be wrong with taking pleasure from watching children being children and celebrating that in a photograph? 

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