One Ring..... rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

It was great to see my cousin today...and to see the engagement ring at last. The coven met up for cakes, tea and Prosecco. I thought ahead and hitched a lift so I could quaff three glasses of bubbles....hic.

So....tomorrow is my third blip birthday, where has the time gone. I asked the coven to help me with ideas to do with three and we came up with a few ideas, but how to do some of them is a real challenge. The one idea I really, really would like to do involves uses layers in Photoshop and I don't know how to do that...can you hear my frustrated scream?? Also my blip twin would be shaking her head if she knew what I'd like to do! 

He he he he he he 

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