Just Bumbling About!

Mr W and I lay in bed this morning pondering what to do and where to go. Then we decided to do nothing and go no where!!! Perfect.

Except he's now busy emptying the garage and making new shelves for the rafters to hide junk! This man likes to change things all the time. I mean, all the time!! (even wives!!!! So I'd better be careful what I say!) He has changed that garage round more times than Iv had Doughnuts on the Beach! And thats alot!

Me in the meantime? Well Iv sorted more photos, formatted my camera as it was crammed with pictures from 2013, experimented with smoothies and Goji berries and listened to music laying in the late afternoon sun.

And Mr W is going to get me to cut his hair and make me go shopping with him for T bags. Now T bags are only a bargain when they are on offer locally - not when you travel miles for an offer! Just saying.

Anyway, here you have a Sunflower grown with my own fair hand from seed, about 8 foot tall already with a Bubble Bee who thinks we cant see him! (because I havnt ventured any further than the garden yet today!)


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